Patch 4.0.6 should be live when realms come up (or restart) this Tuesday!
Update: Patch 4.0.6 Official Notes are live Source
What do you need to know about this patch relating to Archaeology?
- You’re now only guaranteed a skillup until 50 (instead of 100) from gathering fragments when in the first stage of Archaeology. After 50 you’ll need to solve artifacts to skill up.
- There is now a 200 (hard cap) limit on how many Fragments (per race) you can have at a time. So there is no reason to save fragments past the 200 limit unless you don’t need/want them anymore.
- Common artifacts have had there sell values adjusted, some are worth much gold now, when sold.
- Survey now has a 3 second cooldown (instead of 5 seconds). Tooltip Link

UI Previews Fragments/Projects
The User Interface is getting some love with updates to the journal summary page display along with a “Ready” Flash beside race icons for current projects.
However people using an addon (like Archy!) have this functionality and convenience but it’s nice to have a non-addon choice.
- Queen Azshara’s Dressing Gown now requires Level 51
- Headdress of the First Shaman now requires Level 61
- Nifflevar Bearded Axe now requires Level 71
[bluepost]4.0.6 Professions (Source)
- Archaeology fragments now have a hard cap of 200 per race. Players will not be able to collect additional fragments until they complete artifacts to take them down below 200 fragments. Players with more than 200 fragments will not lose additional fragments in 4.0.6, but in a future patch we may remove any fragments above 200.
- Archaeology finds now grant a guaranteed skill point up to 50 skill, and then no longer grant skill gains, as opposed to granting up to 100 skill very slowly.
- The sell value of all common artifacts has been doubled, while a small subset of common artifacts have had their sell value increased far beyond that.
4.0.6 User Interface
- There are now number displays on the summary page and dropdown menu.
- Ready Flash has been added to the race icons. [/bluepost]

Updated Interface in Patch 4.0.6
couple of undocumented changes also reported on Wowpedia
I can’t confirm myself yet as we still have some hours until we’re patched here.
Looks like Archy is broken at the moment.. anyone else having issues?
New digsites and other information has seemed to broke Archy for the moment.
Another undocumented change is that Nerubian artifacts can be found in Eastern Kingdoms specifically Plaugewood in eastern plaugelands. So I’m guessing that other northrend digsites in Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor.
[…] with the official patch notes, there are some other (undocumented) changes with this […]