Boshi World First (32/Max Rares)

WoWDigSite has often been asked if there are any players with all the rares in the game, well we now have a report of someone with all of them as of May 23rd.

If you have also reached 32, then send us a message and congrats!
Note: More people have come forward about reaching the 32 limit (via facebook)

Apparently is was a tight race between a few commenters/fellow archaeologists. However, Boshi (US Malorne) has claimed the last rare artifact needed for 32/32 today.

You can logon to Boshi’s Archaeology Addicts Anonymous (US forums) & chat about your own feats.

I took a screenshot when last rare popped, one during solve, one after, one with excavationator addon showing completion, one with calendar open showing the date, then I took 12 consecutive photos of my arch log book with inventory open (all non pet/mount items in bags), then I took one of each page of my companion and mount logs with inventory open. All of the last ones have my arch total solve macro in my chat box. – Boshi

View this gallery by clicking here.

Do you know of other people who have reached the 32 rare mark? If so feel free to contact/correct us!

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7 Responses to “Boshi World First (32/Max Rares)”

  1. Svet says:

    A big congrats to all who have reached that. I got dispirited after a week and a half of no new items so am currently taking a mini-break before starting to dig again. I’m sure I’ll get there eventually 🙂

  2. Morpsend says:

    you posted that “more people have come forward saying 32 rares” you should make sure there is some level of proof. We’ve expected to deal a level of trolls. We are dealing with a world first, and we expect people to troll to discredit. make sure you demand some type of proof before you post.

    • Uriah says:

      Boshi remains as the only one to come forward with ‘proof’ about the World First deal and thus is still validated imho.

  3. […] Podcast features Boshi, world first to claim 32 Rare Artifacts (on one […]

  4. […] an official WoW Dig Site Podcast! (Episode 1) This first podcast features Boshi who has claimed World First on 32 Rares and Morpsend also from the community, along with myself Uriah (the Website Admin). If […]

  5. […] many players dedicated to their surveying!  As of this post, there are now two others apart from Boshi who have come forward to claim the completion of all 32 Rares currently […]

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