With Patch 4.2 out, most people have put up the shovel to go raid in Firelands but there are still many players dedicated to their surveying! As of this post, there are now two others apart from Boshi who have come forward to claim the completion of all 32 Rares currently in-game.
Boshi [Malorne US] (May 23rd, 2011) – Total artifacts: 2075
- Scut [Skullcrusher US] (June 29th, 2011) – Total artifacts: 1637
- Morpsen [Illidan US] (July 8th, 2011) – Total Solves: 3562
Come join us on our recently launched Forum and join the Archaeology Addicts Anonymous thread.
A big congratulations to are current three who have complete the Survey grind to obtain all 32 rares!
Scut’s Numbers // Vrykul: 7 (rare: 2 solved: 28)
Dwarf: 31 (rare: 4 solved: 255) // Draenei: 10 (rare: 2 solved: 13)
Fossil: 17 (rare: 5 solved: 371) // Night Elf: 25 (rare: 7 solved: 572)
Nerubian: 9 (rare: 2 solved: 24) // Orc: 10 (rare: 1 solved: 16)
Tol’vir: 13 (rare: 6 solved: 168) // Troll: 17 (rare: 3 solved: 190)
Scut: I got professor back in early February, and then stopped. My account died not too long after, as I got really bored. When I decided to re up in June I figured I might as well grind out archaeology in case there are new titles added. The guild Im in died, as most of the raiders went to a different server, and a lot of friends ended up quitting so I was left with a lot of free time to do arch. I started out only wanting the Tolvir mount, but when that took me into my late teens solve-wise, I decided to push for professor.
Grats Boshi and Scut. Glad to join the club.
RNG is a bitch. looks like i had to solve about both of your totals together to finish.
[…] is the long over-due Interview with Scut , second to claim all 32 rares! Thanks to Morpsend for opting to conduct the interview & to […]