Day Two is over, which concludes Blizzcon for this year with no new Archaeology info. Will we see new races to survey? Surely, just no details at this time. Courtesy of MMO-Champion — Blizzcon 2013 Recap: there is a lot more information in each post. Warlords of Draenor Official Website Heroes of the Storm Official […]
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Blizzcon 2013 Day One Recap

Blizzcon is in full swing this weekend! Day One is over, but nothing new to report Archaeology wise. We still have more panels tomorrow including: World of Warcraft Raids, Gameplay, Questing, and More Blizzcon Day 1 Recap Courtesy of MMO-Champion Official Website Warlords of Draenor Official Website Heroes of the Storm Official Website Blizzcon 2013 […]
Archaeology Leveling Change

Update: We have confirmation on this now, Digging up a find while practicing Archaeology will now continue to grant skill points past 50. (Source) Looks like Archaeology has been hotfixed to now always give one skill-up per dig, making it much easier to level. This was NOT listed in any hotfix note, so we’re unsure […]
Lorewalkers Faction in MoP

The Lorewalkers are a pandaren faction bent on exploring the world, finding things and relics to fill out libraries. Caretakers of the mysteries of Pandaria, these brave souls roam the continent, hoping to learn from their history. This faction is tied in to Archaeology and the lore of Mists of Pandaria. Finding various objects around […]
What to Expect in Mists of Pandaria

General Changes coming to Archaeology in Mists of Pandaria You are now able to survey up to six times per digsite, this went live with Patch 5.0.4. There will be two new races to solve for, the Pandaren and the Mogu. You won’t want to vendor the new artifacts, as they only sell for 1g. […]
5.0.4 Changes to Archaeology

The pre-expansion patch has been live since Tuesday and 5.0.4 has brought some changes. For anyone who has been out surveying, you will have noticed there are now more Surveys per Archaeology site! Players are now able to Survey Six times, up from three, per Dig Site location on your map! This stealth buff is […]