
Below are macros to use with Archaeology.

Easy access

This simple macro puts both new skills on one button for your toolbar. Click to survey or hold a modifier key like shift and click to open your Archaeology skill book:

/cast [nomod] Survey; Archaeology

Displays Total Solves you have completed for each race:

/run print("Artifacts"); for x=1,9 do local  c=GetNumArtifactsByRace(x); local a =0; for y=1,c do local t = select(9,  GetArtifactInfoByRace(x, y)); a=a+t;end local rn =  GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(x); if( c > 1 ) then print(rn .. ": " .. a);  end end

You need to have opened/viewed the solve log (see below image) prior. Thanks: Unko/Rdx

(from Above ^) Prints to Guild:

/run SendChatMessage("Total artifacts","GUILD");for x=1,9 do c=GetNumArtifactsByRace(x);a=0 for y=1,c do t = select(9,GetArtifactInfoByRace(x, y)); a=a+t;end rn=GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(x); if( c > 1 ) then SendChatMessage(rn .. ": " .. a,"GUILD"); end end

You need to have opened/viewed the solve log (see below image) prior. Thanks: Unko/Rdx

(from Above ^) Prints to Party:

/run SendChatMessage("Total artifacts","PARTY");for x=1,9 do c=GetNumArtifactsByRace(x);a=0 for y=1,c do t = select(9,GetArtifactInfoByRace(x, y)); a=a+t;end rn=GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(x); if( c > 1 ) then SendChatMessage(rn .. ": " .. a,"PARTY"); end end

You need to have opened/viewed the solve log (see below image) prior. Thanks: Unko/Rdx

Solve count and summary (this split up your total, rare, unique solves):

/run local g,a,n,c,r=GetArtifactInfoByRace for x=1,9 do r,a,n,c=0,0,GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(x),GetNumArtifactsByRace(x)for y=1,c do a=a+select(9,g(x,y))r=r+select(3,g(x,y))end print(n..': '..c..' (rare: '..r..' solved: '..a..')')end

You need to have opened/viewed the solve log (see below image) before you run this.

The Macros require you to View Completed Artifacts at least once before use




Have Macros Relating to Archaeology? Send us a tip via the Contact Page!


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