Below are macros to use with Archaeology.
Easy access
This simple macro puts both new skills on one button for your toolbar. Click to survey or hold a modifier key like shift and click to open your Archaeology skill book:
/cast [nomod] Survey; Archaeology
/cast [nomod] Survey; Archaeology
Displays Total Solves you have completed for each race:
/run print("Artifacts"); for x=1,9 do local c=GetNumArtifactsByRace(x); local a =0; for y=1,c do local t = select(9, GetArtifactInfoByRace(x, y)); a=a+t;end local rn = GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(x); if( c > 1 ) then print(rn .. ": " .. a); end end
You need to have opened/viewed the solve log (see below image) prior. Thanks: Unko/Rdx
(from Above ^) Prints to Guild:
/run SendChatMessage("Total artifacts","GUILD");for x=1,9 do c=GetNumArtifactsByRace(x);a=0 for y=1,c do t = select(9,GetArtifactInfoByRace(x, y)); a=a+t;end rn=GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(x); if( c > 1 ) then SendChatMessage(rn .. ": " .. a,"GUILD"); end end
You need to have opened/viewed the solve log (see below image) prior. Thanks: Unko/Rdx
(from Above ^) Prints to Party:
/run SendChatMessage("Total artifacts","PARTY");for x=1,9 do c=GetNumArtifactsByRace(x);a=0 for y=1,c do t = select(9,GetArtifactInfoByRace(x, y)); a=a+t;end rn=GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(x); if( c > 1 ) then SendChatMessage(rn .. ": " .. a,"PARTY"); end end
You need to have opened/viewed the solve log (see below image) prior. Thanks: Unko/Rdx
Solve count and summary (this split up your total, rare, unique solves):
/run local g,a,n,c,r=GetArtifactInfoByRace for x=1,9 do r,a,n,c=0,0,GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(x),GetNumArtifactsByRace(x)for y=1,c do a=a+select(9,g(x,y))r=r+select(3,g(x,y))end print(n..': '..c..' (rare: '..r..' solved: '..a..')')end
You need to have opened/viewed the solve log (see below image) before you run this.
Have Macros Relating to Archaeology? Send us a tip via the Contact Page!