Ask the Devs Q&A March 15th

We have a small note from the Q&A posted yesterday about Archaeology. The questions ranged from PvP/PvE balance issues to death knight mastery runeforges to why moonkin don’t have Execute. The Dev team pointed out Vrykul & Fossils as two races that will get some updates soon(TM). There’s also plans to help you focus on farming a particular race at a given time.

Q: Are there any plans to bring new items to Archaeology with each future patch? (Source)
A: We may not make it every patch, but we designed Archaeology specifically with this kind of expandability in mind. Our most immediate plans are to add rare items to the Vrykul and especially Troll races, since they have so few, and add more to Fossils in general since you end up with so many Fossil sites. We also have some plans to make it slightly easier to focus on races upon which you want to focus.

To read the rest of the Q&A click here!

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