Post 4.3 Interview with Ghostcrawler

Ghostcrawler shared his thoughts with Curse on Patch 4.3 now that it has been released and what the future has in store. Listen to the full interview for some other info that relates to Mists of Pandaria!

Post 4.3 Interview with Greg Street (Ghostcrawler)

[bluepost]Items from Archaeology have low item levels compared to the new and easy to access gear added in Patch 4.3, Are there any plans to scale or add new Archaeology items that will be relevant to the current content?
We will likely add new items, we didn’t want to compete with heirlooms and give alt characters more gear than they could possibly use, allowing them to level without caring at all about loot gained while leveling. We like the idea of artifacts remaining something that you can trade between characters on your account. If you get a healer trinket that you can’t use right now because you don’t have a healer, it could be something you use one day, rather than solving your healer trinket problems forever. (Source)[/bluepost]

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2 Responses to “Post 4.3 Interview with Ghostcrawler”

  1. ACGeraldos says:


    Ткань на груди, таким образом, создает некий объем, а линии, имитирующие верх от купальника, вызывают нужные ассоциации.

  2. Arthzil says:

    Archaeology low lvl gear is totally useless. Why would they even make epic low lvl chests or helmets? First time players do quests or random dungeons so usually they don’t even level Archaeology and even if they do they probably won’t even get armor piece because of RNG. Others have heirlooms.

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