Posts Tagged ‘ptr’

Update #3 – Patch 4.0.6 PTR Notes

Public Test Realm Patch 4.0.6 Notes (Updated Jan. 14, 8:40 PM PST) Looks like new Archaeologists will start solving earlier, at skill 50 you’ll now need to solve to gain skills (used to be 100). Also common artifacts get a boost in sell values (to npcs). The new changes below go along with the fragment […]

Latest from Patch 4.0.6 (PTR Build 13482)

More on Archaeology has been updated on the PTR! (Survey 3 Second CD) The new information relates to older (below lvl 85) BoA gear which now can be used 9 level early then previously allowed. (Such as 51 instead of 60.) We also have a decrease in Survey cooldown to 3 seconds! This change will […]

PTR Patch Notes (4.0.6)

With the new patches being tested on the PTR comes new Archaeology news. It looks like we will have a limit how many Fragments are kept at a given time. Some call this a nerf but something was bound to change due to the thousands of fragments many players are accumulating as they farm away […]

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