Just a heads up, I’ve got around to updating some things on the website to reflect 4.0.6 changes. There is now a new page listing Common Artifact Sell Values I’m updating the Started Guide Tweaking the FAQs for 4.0.6 Spot any errors on the site? Feel free to point them out on the Contact form […]
Posts Tagged ‘4.0.6’
Undocumented 4.0.6 Changes

Along with the official patch notes, there are some other (undocumented) changes with this patch! -> Updates 2/10 – Thanks to our wonderful commenters (and emails), here’s an update: Tol’vir Sites added in 4.0.6 (Uldum) River Delta Digsite Cursed Landing Digsite Keset Pass Digsite Akhenet Fields Digsite Obelisk of the Stars Digsite Sahket Wastes Digsite […]
Patch 4.0.6 Changes Overview

Patch 4.0.6 should be live when realms come up (or restart) this Tuesday! Update: Patch 4.0.6 Official Notes are live Source What do you need to know about this patch relating to Archaeology? You’re now only guaranteed a skillup until 50 (instead of 100) from gathering fragments when in the first stage of Archaeology. After […]
Update #3 – Patch 4.0.6 PTR Notes

Public Test Realm Patch 4.0.6 Notes (Updated Jan. 14, 8:40 PM PST) Looks like new Archaeologists will start solving earlier, at skill 50 you’ll now need to solve to gain skills (used to be 100). Also common artifacts get a boost in sell values (to npcs). The new changes below go along with the fragment […]
Latest from Patch 4.0.6 (PTR Build 13482)

More on Archaeology has been updated on the PTR! (Survey 3 Second CD) The new information relates to older (below lvl 85) BoA gear which now can be used 9 level early then previously allowed. (Such as 51 instead of 60.) We also have a decrease in Survey cooldown to 3 seconds! This change will […]
PTR Patch Notes (4.0.6)

With the new patches being tested on the PTR comes new Archaeology news. It looks like we will have a limit how many Fragments are kept at a given time. Some call this a nerf but something was bound to change due to the thousands of fragments many players are accumulating as they farm away […]