The Lorewalkers are a pandaren faction bent on exploring the world, finding things and relics to fill out libraries. Caretakers of the mysteries of Pandaria, these brave souls roam the continent, hoping to learn from their history. This faction is tied in to Archaeology and the lore of Mists of Pandaria. Finding various objects around […]
Posts Tagged ‘patch’
What to Expect in Mists of Pandaria

General Changes coming to Archaeology in Mists of Pandaria You are now able to survey up to six times per digsite, this went live with Patch 5.0.4. There will be two new races to solve for, the Pandaren and the Mogu. You won’t want to vendor the new artifacts, as they only sell for 1g. […]
5.0.4 Changes to Archaeology

The pre-expansion patch has been live since Tuesday and 5.0.4 has brought some changes. For anyone who has been out surveying, you will have noticed there are now more Surveys per Archaeology site! Players are now able to Survey Six times, up from three, per Dig Site location on your map! This stealth buff is […]
Patch 4.3 for Archaeologists

The Hour of Twilight is here and we have a few confirmed changes for Archaeology. (Patch Notes) What was previewed on the PTR came through to live, tracking archaeology sites via minimap. Archaeology areas of interest will now show on the mini-map, in addition to the World Map. Also: Archaeology fragments will now be 5-9 […]
ZG Boss Unlock (Edge of Madness) Patch 4.1

Not much news to report lately but we finally have something about patch 4.1.0 (currently on PTR). Archaeology and Edge of Madness in Patch 4.1 [bluepost]I don’t have any specifics to share at the moment, save for one I think is cool. Those with the appropriate Archaeology skill will be able to unlock one of […]
Undocumented 4.0.6 Changes

Along with the official patch notes, there are some other (undocumented) changes with this patch! -> Updates 2/10 – Thanks to our wonderful commenters (and emails), here’s an update: Tol’vir Sites added in 4.0.6 (Uldum) River Delta Digsite Cursed Landing Digsite Keset Pass Digsite Akhenet Fields Digsite Obelisk of the Stars Digsite Sahket Wastes Digsite […]