Blizzard posted a recap of the Patch 4.1 which you should expect this week. (Full Notes) [bluepost]Archaeology (Source) Seven new rare items have been added. Players now have a much smaller chance of getting a dig site for a race for which they have completed all rare finds.[/bluepost] Below are six of those items mentioned […]
Posts Tagged ‘4.1.0’
Patch 4.1 Preview

Below are the confirmed (PTR) items being added to Archaeology in Patch 4.1 Artifact Project Type Branch Fragments Extinct Turtle Shell Extinct Turtle Shell Shield Fossil 150 Pterrordax Hatchling Pterrordax Hatchling Companion Pet Fossil 120 Voodoo Figurine Voodoo Figurine Companion Pet Troll 100 Vrykul Drinking Horn Vrykyl Drinking Horn Vanity Vrykul 100 Ancient Amber Ancient […]
ZG Boss Unlock (Edge of Madness) Patch 4.1

Not much news to report lately but we finally have something about patch 4.1.0 (currently on PTR). Archaeology and Edge of Madness in Patch 4.1 [bluepost]I don’t have any specifics to share at the moment, save for one I think is cool. Those with the appropriate Archaeology skill will be able to unlock one of […]