Posts Tagged ‘website’

Forums Live & First Podcast is up

Greetings fellow Archaeologists! Today WoW Dig Site has a few new features to share. First Podcast First of all, we now have an official WoW Dig Site Podcast! (Episode 1) This first podcast features Boshi who has claimed World First on 32 Rares and Morpsend also from the community, along with myself Uriah (the Website […]

Updates: Race Distribution / Dig Sites

Small note here, the two pages: Race Distribution / Dig Sites are fully updated for Patch 4.1.0 now. Edit/Also: The FAQ page received some update love too. I apologize for the delay with the updates for the above Survey Note pages. As always, if anything is missing feel free to drop WoW Dig Site a […]

Common Item Sell Values Update

Just a heads up, I’ve got around to updating some things on the website to reflect 4.0.6 changes. There is now a new page listing Common Artifact Sell Values I’m updating the Started Guide Tweaking the FAQs for 4.0.6 Spot any errors on the site? Feel free to point them out on the Contact form […]

New (Official) Cataclysm Section for Archaeology

There is now a Section for Archaeology on the official Cataclysm website. Check out the link below for more info! Hunting the unknown, discovering the lost, knowing the forgotten… Archaeology  is a new secondary profession introduced in Cataclysm that can be trained along with Cooking, First Aid, and Fishing. Learn more about the brand new […]

November Updates

Edit: Maps of Dig Site Locations Added Edit: Races Sectioon Added For more FAQs, click here! Q: A dig site is currently bugged for me! A node is out of reach of the ‘dig site’ and my survey tool won’t budge, how do I fix this? A: Go clear a different dig zone then return […]


Website is up! Adding information over the next couple of days!

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